Brain Cancer

Case Study: 32-Year-Old Woman with Glioblastoma 

Patient Profile: Female, 32 years old, diagnosed with glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). 

Treatment: She underwent surgery to remove part of the tumor, followed by a combination of standard treatments (radiation and temozolomide) without much effect prior to using GcMAF therapy. She received daily 2500ng injections of GcMAF together with M oil and a tailor made I,V therapy. The patient had all Amalgam filling replaced and one root canal filling removed. She also had I.V’s to chelate the heavy metals found in her blood analysis. 

Results: Clinical Outcome: After 11 months of treatment, the patient showed no signs of disease. MRI scans confirmed the absence of tumor recurrence. She experienced a complete recovery with no serious adverse reactions reported. The patient developed mild fatigue during the treatment, but this was manageable. 

Quality of Life: The patient returned to her normal activities and reported an improved quality of life. She was able to resume her job and take care of her young family. 

This case study illustrates the potential benefits of GcMAF in treating glioblastoma, highlighting its ability to enhance the effectiveness of conventional treatments and improve clinical outcomes with minimal side effects. However, it’s important to note that this patient was treated in a clinical environment for 3 weeks where the team could adjust her protocol. 

Author of GcMaf in the treatment of Brain tumors to include Glioblastoma Maryjayne Aria 

#gcmafmaryjaynearia #gcmaf #maryjaynearia #GlioblastomaResearch #glioblastomatreatment

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