Case Study : Maria from Mexico
Patient Profile :
• Name : Maria
• Age: 39
• Country: Mexico
• Diagnosis: HSV 1 and 2
Brief History : Maria suffered from HSV 1 and 2 for nine agonizing years. Each month, her menstruation triggered severe HSV2 outbreaks, causing blisters inside her vagina, on her labia and vulva, around her anus, and down into her groin area. These outbreaks would last up to three weeks, leaving her with only a brief 7 to 9 day respite before the cycle began again. Additionally, HSV1 caused painful blisters on her lips and inside her nostrils. The pain was unbearable, and the embarrassment was overwhelming. As a result, Maria worked remotely and rarely left her house.
Treatment Protocol
Maria underwent a comprehensive treatment protocol designed by Dr. Celma, which included:
Intravenous (I.V.) Protocol : Specially designed for HSV.
Vitamins and Mineral s : To support overall health and immune function.
• Ozone I.V . Therapy : To enhance oxygenation and detoxification.
• Magnetic Therapy : To improve cellular function and reduce inflammation.
• Detoxing : Regular detox protocols to eliminate toxins from the body.
• Diet Change : An anti inflammatory diet rich in nutrients to support immune health.
• GcMAF : 1250 ng of injectable GcMAF for 6 months, followed by a mouth spray.
• MicroProXtraCream : Used for managing outbreaks.
key points:
Progress and Results :
• Initial Outbreak : Maria experienced one significant outbreak after 2 weeks of starting the protocol.
• Outbreak Frequency : The frequency of outbreaks decreased over time as did the duration of each outbreak..
• Blood Work : Significant improvement in blood work was observed during the coarse of the treatment.
• Confidence : Maria’s confidence improved gradually as her condition improved.
• Outbreak-Free : After 6 months, Maria experienced no further outbreaks.
• Long-Term Results : October 2024 marked the 5th year since her last outbreak.
This case study highlights the potential of a comprehensive, integrative approach to HSV treatment, combining GcMAF with other therapies to achieve remarkable results. feel free to join the GcMAF Scientific Information Research group
Author of GcMaf in the treatment of HSV Maryjayne Aria
#maryjayneariagcmaf #maryjaynearia #gcmaf #HSV

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